
The National Association of Colleges for Japanese Language Education

協会概要 Association Summary

協会の目的 Our Mission

We cooperate with member schools to develop quality Japanese language education at vocational schools, and establish the foundation for the promotion of member schools. Our aim is to coordinate closely with related organizations to build credibility for Japanese language education institutes in the international community, and encourage international exchanges.

沿革 History of Development

1986年 4月 全国専門学校日語教育協会(全専日協)設立
Establishment of the National Association of Colleges for Japanese Language Education (NACJE).
1987年~ アセアン諸国視察、中国視察、オセアニア諸国視察
Observation in ASEAN, China, and Oceania.
1990年~ 欧米諸国視察、台湾視察、中国視察、タイ・マレーシア視察
Observation in EU, USA, Taiwan, China, and Thailand and Malaysia.
1995年 1月 第1回全国専門学校日本語学習外国人留学生日本語弁論大会開催(以降、毎年開催)
National Association of Higher Education in Japanese Language hosted the first Japanese Speech Contest. (It has turned into an annual event.)
2000年~ ベトナム視察
Observation in Vietnam.
2015年 6月 全国専門学校各種学校日本語教育協会(専各日協)として活動(~2017年3月)
Associated with National Association of Higher Education in Japanese Language until March of 2017.
2017年 4月 全国専門学校日本語教育協会と名称変更し、再出発
The Association was renamed to The National Association of Colleges for Japanese Language Education for a new start.

これまでの主な活動について Our Activities

Organizing international exchange symposiums and seminars (once or twice a year).


We organize information sessions to study approaches to international students within other countries and Japanese language education abroad, as well as strategies and law reforms by the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Agency for Cultural Affairs, and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake, we held workshops with the nations concerned to study the reaction of each country and its influences.

現地日本語教師とのシンポジウム 韓国ソウル市(2回)釜山市 日本語学習指導法 東京・大阪で開催、

We organized symposium with local Japanese language teachers in Seoul (twice) and Pusan; held seminars on Japanese language teaching methods in Tokyo and Osaka; invited experts from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consulates in Japan, JICA and Japan Foundation to give lectures on Japanese language education in Russia, Mongolia, India, Myanmar, Oceania, Indonesia and more.

Establishing ties with overseas universities and Japanese language institutes; conducting survey and observation on Japanese language education abroad.


NACJE member schools aim to provide practical and quality education to learners who come to Japan with high expectations. Moreover, by conducting surveys and observations overseas in cooperation with Japanese Consulates, we aim to build trust internationally.


Since 1987, we have been contributing to a deeper understanding and recognition of NACJE by analyzing the expectations of Japanese language institutes with whom we have good relations in Russia, Poland, England, France, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, China (twice), Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea (3 times) and more.

Participating in Japan education fairs and organizing joint information sessions overseas since 1998.


We participated in Japan education fairs in the following countries listed below to introduce NACJE, evaluate the current situation in each country, and recruit students.
China (twice), Malaysia, Seoul and Pusan in South Korea (5 times), Vietnam (6 times), Taiwan (5 times), and Thailand (4 times).

Hosting Japanese speech contest for international students.


We host the contest every year (in Tokyo and Osaka alternately). Students representing member schools give speeches with their own topics. A recipient of the Best Excellence Award receives a trophy cup, certificate and supplementary prize. Recipients of the Excellence Award and Judge’s Special Award are given a trophy, certificate and supplementary prize.

会則 Regulation of Association

役員一覧 Executive Committee

深堀 和子
Kazuko Fukabori
学校法人深堀学園 外語ビジネス専門学校
College of Business and Communication
Vice Chairperson
岩本 仁
Hitoshi Iwamoto
学校法人福岡成蹊学園 福岡外語専門学校
Fukuoka Foreign Language College
平野 公美子
Kumiko Hirano
学校法人文際学園 日本外国語専門学校
Japan College of Foreign Languages
池田 俊一
Shunichi Ikeda
学校法人石川学園 横浜デザイン学院
Yokohama Design College
梶原 康平
Kouhei Kajihara
学校法人東京国際学園 東京外語専門学校
Tokyo Foreign Language College
工藤 昌雄
Masao Kudou
学校法人龍澤学館 盛岡情報ビジネス&デザイン専門学校
Morioka Information Business & Design College
中島 慎太郎
Shintaro Nakajima
学校法人中央総合学園 専門学校 中央情報大学校
CHUO Institute of Information and Design College
古屋 和雄
Kazuo Furuya
学校法人文化学園 文化外国語専門学校
Bunka Institute of Language
上田 保志
Yasushi Ueda
学校法人岩谷学園 岩谷学園よこはまITビジネス専門学校
Iwatani Gakuen Yokohama IT Business College
木村 泰一
Taiichi Kimura
学校法人山口学園 ECC国際外語専門学校
ECC Kokusai College of Foreign Languages
平岡 憲人
Norito Hiraoka
学校法人清風明育社 清風情報工科学院
SEIFU Institute of Information Technology
森 敏子
Toshiko Mori
学校法人湖東学園 専門学校湖東カレッジ
Vocational School Coto College
木村 実季
Miki Kimura
公益財団法人アジア・アフリカ文化財団 専門学校アジア・アフリカ語学院
Asia-Africa Linguistic Institute
西村 祐二郎
Yujiro Nishimura
学校法人京都コンピュータ学園 京都コンピュータ学院鴨川校
Kyoto Computer Gakuin Kamogawa Campus
Head of Administration
西村 学
Manabu Nishimura
学校法人文化学園 文化外国語専門学校
Bunka Institute of Language
Deputy Head of
加藤 正毅
Masaki Kato
学校法人深堀学園 外語ビジネス専門学校
College of Business and Communication

事務局所在地 Association Address

〒151-8521 東京都渋谷区代々木3-22-1 文化外国語専門学校内
c/o Bunka Institute of Language 3-22-1 Yoyogi Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan 151-8521

TEL. 03-3299-2009
FAX. 03-3379‐9063